
CKC Breed Standard – Eurasier – Group 3 – Working
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All over the body a thick undercoat and a medium length, loosely lying, harsh top coat. Short coat on muzzle, face, ears and front of legs. Tail, back of front legs (feathers) and hind legs (breeches) covered in long hair. Coat on neck slightly longer than on body, not forming a mane.


All colours and colour combinations are permitted with the exception of pure white, white patches or liver colour.

Head and Skull

Balanced, not too broad skull. Shape of head seen from above and sideways, wedgeshaped. Bridge of nose and cranial region run parallel. Cranial region: shape of skull, flat forehead with distinct frontal furrow. Well defined occiput. Stop barely defined. Facial region: Nose medium size, noseleather with back pigmentation. Muzzle neither too coarse nor too pointed. Tapering towards the noseleather. Straight bridge of nose and ramus of mandible. Lips, edges of lips tight with black pigmentation. Jaws strong, broad arch to lower jaw. Cheeks barely pronounced. Teeth strong, complete set of teeth (42 teeth conforming to usual tooth formation). Bite either scissor or even. Upper incisors either fit closely over lower incisors or meet. Premolars and molars set in one line without gaps. All teeth must be in vertical position to jaw. Eyes dark, medium size, not too deep set nor protruding. Orbital aperture slightly slanting. Eye-rims with black pigmentation and tight fitting. Ears set apart by about the width of the base of an ear. Medium size and triangular. Prick ears with tips slightly rounded. Tips of ears and centre of stop should form a nearly equilateral triangle.


Of medium length, in balance with general appearance. Well muscled. Skin on throat tight fitting. Flowing transition to body.


Strong, not too short in back. Withers pronounced. Back firm and straight. Very well muscled. Loin of good length and width, well muscled. Rump straight, broad and strong. Chest reaching to the elbows with oval shaped ribcage. Forechest well developed without being pronounced. Sternum long, reaching far back. Lower line slight tuck up.
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